A perfect day in Tuscany

So the day didn’t start perfect.

I woke up groggy, sweaty, and covered in bug bites in Florence. Besides Venice we’ve had some trouble finding comfortable camping in the bigger Italian cities. A lot of them are anti campers so the camping is really far out and really expensive at €60+ a night.

So we’ve been opting for more of a parking lot route, surrounded by other campers and with a toilet on-site it’s pretty comfortable. Except there isn’t shade and it’s been 90+, and this one didn’t have electricity, OR a shower. But it was only €15 a night!

Our fridge was in the red (needed a charge!) and we were in desperate need of a shower. So we woke up and got moving.

H had found a beautiful campsite in Tuscany an hour outside of Florence for €34. We pulled in, made coffee and breakfast, showered, and got back on the road to eat at one of the many restaurants my amazing cousin (and celebrated foodie) Barbara has recommended. Da Delfina.

The views of Tuscany and the food were absolutely incredible. We spent €90 on rabbit, goat, and duck Italian dishes, a bottle of wine, dessert, and espresso. (A meal that easily would have cost $350+ in New York.) We headed back to our campground stuffed and ready to swim in the pool, make dinner, and listen to the Italian Rock band that was performing that night.

(I’m not certain I like Italian rock, but I do like people watching so it was lovely.)

And the extra perfect part is that the campground was on a hill so we had a breeze while sleeping.